Two years since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the release of their second album Telescope, Sea Island & Ferry comes back with a brand new collection of recordings. 

Titled As if, the project consists of two EPs. The first one, subtitled In-Between consists of compositions featured in an exhibition with the same title, showing between now and March 2023 at the Hong Kong Museum of Art. 

“The valuable opportunity to make music for In-Between came at a time when we harboured our own ideas for another set of works. Both would take up half the length of a full album, so we decided to pursue them in tandem,” said Arnold Fang, pianist and convenor of the ensemble.

Curators of the exhibition approached Sea Island & Ferry through the referral by graphic designer Saki Ho, who had worked on the ensemble’s last two albums, and who had herself been commissioned to create an installation for the exhibition.

“When we were invited, we just released Visitors, which was commissioned by the K11 Art Mall. I think it served as an example of how our music can enhance  spaces with a different atmosphere or energy,” recalled Arnold. 


As if - I. In-Between consists of Visitors and five other new compositions crafted by various members of Sea Island & Ferry. Some of the music provides more of a sonic backdrop to the artwork being shown, while some others required closer deliberation with artists of commissioned works. 

Kenneth Li, who joined the ensemble as violinist in 2020, composed See-Saw, which was the soundtrack to a corridor-sized short animation film by artist Daniel Lam. The two creators worked closely in the process to determine the mood and the timing of the music needed.

“Daniel’s work enlightened me of the need to be truthful to myself as a creator. It was an instance of creators in conversation, and art influencing art,” commented Kenneth. 

As if - I. In-Between is released initially digitally and on CD. It will also be released later in 2022 on vinyl, as one record together with the other EP in the As if project. 

As if, the overarching project title came from shuffling the first letters in the words ‘sea, island, and, ferry’. It represents us as a group, and also means that we are striving to make music as if things were normal, when they really were not,” Arnold explained.  

i. Enter/Exit | ii. See-Saw | iii. Clockwork  

iv. Contemplate | v. Retour | vi. Visitors 

CD: SIF-CD-003 (Released 2022.6.30)

LP: SIF-LP-005 (Released 2022.9.30)

自發表上一張專輯 Telescope 以來,經歷了兩年多的疫情,「海島小輪」還是帶著一系列全新的錄音作品回來了。

As if 企劃標題,這個錄音企劃包括前後篇合共兩張EP率先推出的一張EP In-Between 蒐羅了為視覺藝術展覽「行行重行行」而創作的一系列樂曲。該展覽由即日至20233月於尖沙嘴香港藝術館展出。

團隊的召集人及鋼琴手方欣浩 (Arnold Fang) 指出:「參與『行行重行行』這個展覽的音樂創作是難得的機會。即使我們獲得邀請時已有計劃要做其他作品,但也因為這兩個主題各自能為專輯提供一半的內容,我們就決定把他們同時進行。」

「行行重行行」的策展團隊是透過為平面設計師何佩珊(Saki Ho) 聯絡「海島小輪」。Saki 曾經為「海島小輪」負責之前兩張專輯的設計工作,這次展覽亦委約了她創作一個大型的裝置藝術作品。

「獲邀請參與展覽時,我們剛剛發表了 Visitors 這首作品。那是由K11購物藝術館委約創作的樂曲,也許亦提供了一個亦範,讓人知道我們的音樂是如何為展演空間注入獨特的氣氛與能量。


As if - I. In-Between 收錄了 Visitors 及另外五首全新作品,分別由「海島小輪」的不同成員創作。部分樂曲在展覽的畫叢中起著聲音背景的作用,但有個別作品則要求成員跟相關的藝術家有更深入的磨合。

2020年加入的小提琴手李健強 (Kenneth Li) 為藝術家林宏澤 (Daniel Lam) 的走廊式動畫短片譜寫了 See-Saw 一曲。在創作過程中,二人透過緊密的合作,制定了音樂在的時間和情感上的起承轉合。

Daniel 的作品觸發了我一種對於『反璞歸真』的感悟。這是一種藝術創作者之間的共鳴,也是藝術影響藝術的表現。」Kenneth 說。

As if - I. In-Between 首先於串流平台及以CD形式推出。今年稍後,將會聯同《As if》企劃中的另一張EP收錄於同一張黑膠唱片中。

成員Arnold 解釋:「 As if 這個企劃標題其實是由團隊的英文名稱 seaislandandferry 各個字的首個字母重新組合而得來。它既代表我們團隊本身,也意味我們在無常之中將一切當作正常,繼續創作音樂。」

Rotate your phone to landscape to read more about the album.



© Sea Island & Ferry 2024