With a new lineup of musicians and instruments, Sea Island & Ferry delivers Visitors as a close to 2020, a year too full of challenges to be forgotten.

Commissioned as an entry in the holiday playlist of a major shopping centre in Hong Kong, the ensemble rethinks the meaning of "gifts" in this unusual season. They choose to share the preciousness of seeing one another, and being together face-to-face.

Borrowing a few notes from the traditional carol We Three Kings as its opening, composer Arnold Fang pictured three persona types as he weaved together the three sections of Visitors.

The first, so used to distancing during the pandemic, chooses to stay busy with life, and spend this Christmas calmly and quietly.

The second, not submitting to the distance, decides to let tomorrow worry about itself. Embracing the warmth together. Eat, drink and be merry.

The third, sailing off to distant places for their own reasons, end up in far and unfamiliar situations, and no one shall be able to visit them this year.  

We all struggle to different extents, with a feeling of incompleteness this Christmas. By recording Visitors, we hope everyone can reconnect with a holiday vibe that feels familiar. As festivities including live music get replaced by their online or remote versions, we will cherish every person and every encounter around us.

Piano - Arnold Fang 

Violin - Kenneth Li 

Cello - Tim Tong 

Clarinet - Gladys Wong


Composed by Arnold Fang 

Inspired from "We Three Kings" by John Henry Hopkins Jr.

Recording - Anthony Yeung at AYM Studio 

Mixing & Mastering - Jeremy Cheng at Whatever Music

Art Direction & Design - Saki Ho/Research Studio

Producer - Arnold Fang 

Executive Producer - James Chan at SEEAHOLE

With Thanks to K11

換了新的成員陣容,加入了小提琴與單簧管,「 海島小輪」以新作品 Visitors 與大家一同嘗試為困難重重的2020年劃上句號。


成員 Arnold 在作曲時借用了來自傳統聖誕歌曲 We Three Kings 的其中幾個音節為開端。這首聖誕歌本來講述探訪初生嬰孩耶穌的三位東方智者,Arnold 一邊創作了三個段落,一邊卻想到三種不同的現代人。




這樣的一個聖誕節,大家都在一種不完全、不圓滿之中掙扎渡過。透過這首 Visitors,但願我們在不能輕易互訪的「新日常」之中跟比較熟悉的聖誕氣氛再次重逢。在包括音樂表演等的實體活動漸漸被網上視像方式取代之際,願我們都一同珍惜身邊的人,珍惜每一次的相聚。


© Sea Island & Ferry 2024